If it is true that there are some weeks when nothing happens and some weeks when decades happen, the last weeks have seen a remarkable volte-face in the attitude towards how to deal with Covid-19 by Mainland and Macau authorities.
It is astonishing to see how in a few months we went from full-blown lockdown, mass population testing rounds, and draconian quarantine periods to basically Omicron is no stronger than the common flu and “let’s follow the science” approach by health authorities.
It is a much-welcome change, that unfortunately comes after three years of unnecessary suffering imposed on Macau residents, and certainly at least one year too late for what was the scientific consensus internationally.
Perplexing as it is to see the change in tack by authorities, it is not unexpected as it could only come after a change in strategy by the Chinese central government.
Suddenly we are faced with the prospect of the first Christmas and Chinese New Year in three years without considerable movement registrations and the overwhelming fear and anxiety shared by residents in the region that the full might of the health/state complex falling on them, were they to find themselves marginally linked to any confirmed case or risk area.
Although the change was much anticipated, now that it has arrived it is with mixed feelings most look at the new world of “freedom” laid upon them.
Many doubts remain concerning the real impact of letting the virus “rip” through the local and mainland populations, but now the focus must shift to what it should have been many moons ago: protect vulnerable residents and maintain acceptable vaccination rates.
As if these changes were not enough, we have now six “new” gaming concessions finally put into the paper, as if to assure that 2023 will finally be the year when the local battered economy will be reborn to any resemble of past vitality.
Much time, money, human resources, and sanity were lost in the past years while searching for the folly of the perfect safety bubble. It is now up to the government to ensure the conditions are set to help the city and its citizenry regain their step.
They sure deserve it.
[MNA editor-at-large]