Macau Business | November 2022 | Special Report | Macau’s insurance industry
Enduring and thriving amid the pandemic
How can one understand that the first text of this special report on the insurance sector in Macau is entitled “2021: the ‘good’pandemic..” and the last “The insurance industry is able to maintain steady growth in spite of the pandemic” (from an exclusive opinion article by the Director of the Insurance Supervision Department of the Monetary Authority of Macau)?
If it is true that the pandemic has been disastrous for the economy in general (not to mention people), there are some rare exceptions that seem to be left unscathed to a great extent—insurance, namely life insurance, is one of them.
As Félix Pontes, former AMCM’s Executive Director and Insurance Commissioner, explains in this special report, local companies offer “much more diversified products than the Chinese insurance companies: wider range of insurance cover and more options in terms of currency of the insured capital, namely in the American dollars (in China, the insurance policies are only denominated in Renminbi).”
In the following pages, we will also address pandemic-related risks, opportunities, and challenges for local insurance firms in setting their foothold in Hengqin and the risks associated with the use of virtual currencies.
Co-ordinated by João Paulo Meneses [email protected]
2021: The ‘good’ pandemic
… and the ‘bad’ pandemic
Good life
The end-2021 accounts for most insurers operating in the SAR’s life segment were rosy.
AMCM’s work
The market evolves so quickly that the regulator’s job is never done
Hengqin waiting for Macau insurers
The case for an export credit insurance scheme
Mainlanders prefer USD-denominated insurance policies
A universal healthcare insurance system?
Virtual currencies, yes or no? Yes and no
Opinions are divided on the pros and cons of using digital currencies in the insurance market
“The insurance industry is able to maintain steady growth in spite of the pandemic”
— Doris Chan, Director of the Insurance Supervision Department of the Monetary Authority of Macau