OPINION – Contrary trends and quality of life in Macau

Like many other parts of the world, Macau is experiencing a population change. It is common knowledge that Macau’s population is living longer.

Special Report – Extreme precipitation and flood disaster risk

In the context of the GBA, there are some cities more at risk than Macau


第二屆亞洲綜合度假休閒產業博覽會 (Asian IR Expo)展示了澳門及本地綜合度假村拓展博彩業以外領域的雄心,發展藝術、體育等領域的壯志。

Special Report – Western part of Peninsula “is more sensitive to storm surge”

In a scenario where sea waters rise by one metre, the majority of the Macau Peninsula will become a maximum risk zone
July BI Cover